Sugar in cereal, fruit drinks and...cigarettes?
In THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR, Gary Taubes delves into America’s history with sugar with common sense, straight talk, impeccable research and practical science. He shows how Big Sugar money co-opted university scientists and, by extension, the FDA to “prove” that sugar was harmless. Big Sugar then funded massive public relations campaigns to point the finger at... fat! or salt! or any cause other than its product.
From the best-selling author of Why We Get Fat, a groundbreaking, eye-opening exposé that makes the convincing case that sugar is the tobacco of the new millennium: backed by powerful lobbies, entrenched in our lives, and making us very sick.
Yep, believe it or not, there is sugar in cigarettes. Kids breakfast cereal is primarily sugar. Crackers and snacks are loaded with sugar. High fructose corn syrup is an additive in practically every bottled drink. Taubes makes the case that the cumulative use of sugar over a lifetime may well be the primary causative factor in some forms of cancer and dementia.
Interview Opportunity: Gary Taubes
THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR is compelling history, painstaking research, and an enlightened look at what we eat, and how we might save ourselves - and restore our personal and national health.
GARY TAUBES is the author of Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories. He is a former staff writer for Discover and has received three Science in Society Journalism Awards from the National Association of Science Writers.
Interview Opportunity: