Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Is the NFL just a pack of 
  wild, drug crazed 
 thugs, misogynists and child beaters?

The recent, headline grabbing "gangsta" like conduct of  National Football League star millionaire athletes has become sickening. Whether the ever present cameras catch such acts as sucker punching a fiance and dragging her out of an elevator; going on drug fueled rampages; bullying younger rookies or beating a pre-school son, the NFL is in near media lock down afraid to make an appalling situation any worse. Sponsors are incredulous and withdraw financial support that can total into the millions. Fans are little better displaying an outpouring of public support for pro football bad boys who are moral train wrecks and embody the very worst imaginable conduct in human and family relations. meanwhile sports executives bungle and stumble.

Roshini Rajkumar
So what should pro teams do when their players become villains? They call a communications expert-FAST.

Interview Opportunity Pro Sports Communications consultant Roshini Rajkumar

Ocasomedia at 305-396-2806  ocasomedia@gmail.com

Roshini Rajkumar is a former communication coach for the Minnesota Vikings and other sports teams and business executives who need to know how to proceed with high stakes damage control operations after their organization find themselves in the eye of a media hurricane after someone on the team has engaged in egregiously bad behavior. 

 Roshini´s  available to discuss the recent controversies in the NFL (and other sports leagues) including:
  • What the NFL needs to do now to recover from the Rice affair
  • Do the NFL's corporate and player cultures hide a deep-seated, age-old misogyny?
  • Is the NFL creating a culture of multi-million dollar thugs? 
  • The importance of developing a coherent message that is credible and communicating it right

A former TV news journalist, radio host and columnist Roshini has worked with sports team leadership and  Fortune 500 executives to teach them to communicate effectively in today's 24-hour news cycle.  Roshini is also author of the must have handbook  COMMUNICATE THAT! which is 
superb for sports figures, sports executives and anyone leader interested in thinking through & projecting the right message

As a frequent guest expert on TV and radio she's analyzed blunders and communication styles of high profile sports figures, celebrities, business people and politicians. Roshini knows and Roshini delivers.

Roshini had sharp commentary about the NBA Donald Sterling mega-scandal. She's articulate, informed and has great anecdotes to illustrate her message about damage control once a media disaster hits page one and goes viral.” - Bill Martinez Live

To book an interview contact:
Ocasomedia-305-396-806  ocasomedia@gmail.com

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