I find it QUITE interesting that Bob Dylan began singing about being “born again” and the significance of GOD in our lives for a brief spell, then had no media support or “record sales” until he stopped and began singing secular music again...
and claiming to have “found a new and magical way to play guitar” which brought him many awards, a presence with Barack Obama and “new found fame!” How does this happen? His Christian music was GREAT for some, but highly rejected by the MEDIA and those “powers that be!” Could he be too influential for “them?”

Could he have “sold his soul to the devil” like he TOLD ED BRADLEY? That wasnt really what he said? Remember he said that he had made a bargain "get where I am now" with "the chief commander" in "this earth" which can be easily seen to be the "...prince of this world..." mentioned in John 12:31 or the DEVIL although many will angrily contest this notion.
Christ was promised not just "...all the kingdoms of the world" but also something that millions pine after achieving in social media-great fame or "glory". Lucifer promises "...the glory of them ..." providing that "...thou wilt adore me..."
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