- Secret Email server as Secretary of State
Clinton Foundation receives millions in donations from countries notorious for oppressing women Hillary paid her women staffers 72 cents for each dollar paid to men.....slightly embarrassing in light of her April-2014 Tweet about female-male wage disparities
- Hillary´s angry persona-from screaming at military officers to help carry luggage to throwing things while at the White House to her retort "What difference does it make?!" to a senate panel investigating Benghazi will haunt her
Inadvertent negative messages Clinton may be sending with her body language, voice tone and dress
How her new found "openness" is falling flat...and what she can do about it.
Her infamous Benghazi Embassy Compound Attack Hearing remark "....At this point what difference does it make" -can that ever be repaired?
Bill Clinton- a liability or an asset for Hillary?
Guest Introduction:Roshini Rajkumar is a communication consultant who works with business and sports executives including the Minnesota Vikings.
Roshini is a licensed attorney and holds a BA from Boston College and is the author of “Communicate THAT!: Your Toolbox for Powerful Presence.” Roshini Rajkumar is the one companies call to coach executives so they don't make mistakes in today's 24-7 news cycle, or to fix a business blunder if it's already happened. Her website is: http://www.roshinigroup.com/
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