http://unitedassyrianappeal.Dedicated to the proposition that the 21st century will be marked by America´s resurgence as the undisputed #1 world power with great prosperity; limited government and an abiding Judeo-Christian moral sense informing its conduct and culture
Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato is what America needs!!!
Monday, June 29, 2015
While America Dithers on ISIS, Russia Expands its´Role in the Mid East
As the United States footprint becomes diminished in the Middle East, Russia is aggressively stepping in to take up the void. This was highlighted in a 9 JUN ´15 NEC-SE article on how Russia uses economic deals to expand its influence in the Middle East and the Caucuses. As Greece is looking at defaulting on its loan to European Community and possibly pulling out of the Euro it invested $2 bn in Turkish Stream.
The article also stated: "This pipeline has been negotiated and fought over since 2007. The reality is that even when no one in EU is helping Greece the Greeks have invested in the pipeline given their Orthodox ties with Russia." "Given the results of the Turkish elections Turkey will have no choice but to allow the pipeline to move through the Turkish Straights. Turkey will enjoy short term profits from the deal but will lose out in the long run politically given Russia is closer to Iran who is becoming a regional hegemony over Turkey."
"Russia bypasses Azerbaijan and nullifies the influences of the Baku pipeline over the next ten years as it consolidates the caucuses loyalties away from the U.S. diminishing our economic footprint in the region and pulling two major NATO allies in the Middle East closer to it economically."
On 23 JUN 15 NEC-SE posted the article on Saudi and Russian meeting in St. Petersburg where the Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince – and Defense Minister – Muhammad bin Salman, favorite son of King Salman; Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir (former ambassador to the US and very close to key players in the Beltway); and all-powerful Oil Minister Ali al-Naim, were all there for a face-to-face with President Vladimir Putin, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.
Russia will solidify its grip economically in the region by being the middle man on economic agreements that will allow it to establish itself in the Mediterranean and control gas and oil agreements that will counter what is seen as a U.S footprint in the Caucuses.
Russia will solidify its grip economically in the region by being the middle man on economic agreements that will allow it to establish itself in the Mediterranean and control gas and oil agreements that will counter what is seen as a U.S footprint in the Caucuses.
When I was in Tokyo on 23 FEB 15 I stated that the Middle East is not just dealing with ideological battles being carried out in the region but also economic struggles shaping it as well. These struggles will affect the Euro´s ability to influence how ISIS is handled over the next five years.

About author: US Army Lt. Colonel (ret.) Sargis Sangari is the Founder of The United Assyrian Appeal & CEO of The Near East Center for Strategic Engagement LLC . He had six years of continuous combat deployment in the Mid-East. While in theatre he conducted 144 combat patrols, 22 Special Forces missions and survived 7 IED attacks. Born in Iran within an ethnic Assyrian family, Sangari has a deep skill set in Middle East languages and cultures and understands the plight of Assyrian and other Mid-Eastern Christians. He now uses his 20-year military experience to advise Assyrian Christians in their struggle against ISIS and in the region.

About author: US Army Lt. Colonel (ret.) Sargis Sangari is the Founder of The United Assyrian Appeal & CEO of The Near East Center for Strategic Engagement LLC . He had six years of continuous combat deployment in the Mid-East. While in theatre he conducted 144 combat patrols, 22 Special Forces missions and survived 7 IED attacks. Born in Iran within an ethnic Assyrian family, Sangari has a deep skill set in Middle East languages and cultures and understands the plight of Assyrian and other Mid-Eastern Christians. He now uses his 20-year military experience to advise Assyrian Christians in their struggle against ISIS and in the region.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
A Nationwide Call to prayer at 3 PM each
day for one minute...
America & World Christendom-facing calamity!
“During the war, you had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter measure, which we did not understand, but it was very powerful...I believe you called it the ‘Silent Minute" Nazi High Official on cause of German defeat
The world in general & America in particular needs prayer. Let´s join in at 3 PM every day-the hour at which Christ died to pray for one minute for the triumph of Christ´s Holy Will in America and in the world to advance Christian culture, marriage, the family and for the safety of Christians and others and their release from unjust captivity.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Supreme Court Approves Dysfunction and Heartache for America Forever"
Reparative Therapist David Pickup on Supreme Court marriage decision
The Supreme Court showed themselves to be justices of supreme
foolishness with the permanent decision that homosexual marriage is a
constitutional right. They ruled this affirmation of Gay marriage without any
proof whatsoever that homosexuality is inborn.
Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305- 396-2806
What will America do when it finds out through emerging
scientific and anecdotal evidence that homosexuality is not inborn, but is
caused by the heartbreak of gender identity inferiority and unmet childhood needs
for love, affirmation and affection?
What is ahead when this dysfunction
plays out in skyrocketing behaviors and phenomenon such as:
- AIDS among growing population of young men 20-25-at the highest risk for AIDS
- Gay “divorce,” and child custody
- Gay drug use,
- Sexual diseases which are all endemic to Gay culture.
- Because sexuality is fluid-children will be subjected to exponentially greater pressure to be open to homosexual feelings given an ever corrupting culture.
- Society as a sexual playground as outlined in the infamous book the " End of Gay” with everyone enjoying everyone in expression of all sexualities.
- What Gay & Transgender people need is psychotherapy not marriage nor surgery
About this controversial media guest:
David Pickup, is licensed in California and Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist, whose 2 private practices involve those undergoing authentic Reparative Therapy. After having great success with Reparative Therapy in his own life, he is now an experienced therapist who facilitates therapy for men that truly works to reduce or dissipate homosexual feelings and helps them experience their heterosexual potential. Website is
How ISIS works, grows, terrorizes and what must be done to stop them and how direct U.S.
military aid to ethnic groups can stabilize the region
About this ISIS commentator:
Lt. Col.
Sargis Sangari-
US Army -Special Forces (ret) and CEO of The Near East Center for Strategic Engagement & Founder of the United Assyrian Appeal
LAND 224-251-7376
Skype is sargis.sangari1
Guest Introduction: US Army Lt. Col. (ret.) Sargis Sangari grew up in Iran of an ethnic Assyrian family. Sargis
is CEO of The Near East Center for Strategic Engagement LLC, Founder of United Assyrian Appeal http://www.
and has six years of continuous combat deployment in the Mid East; conducted 144 combat patrols, 22 Special Forces missions and survived 7 IED attacks.Sargis is also founder of the United Assyrian established to help Assyrian Military families.Col.Sargis Sangari has a deep skill set in Mid east languages and cultures and understands the plight of Assyrian and other Christians in the Mid East and now uses his 20 year military experience to help Assyrian Christians in their struggle against ISIS. http://www.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Turkish elections and the new operational environment in the Middle East
Meanwhile 660,000 Assyrian Christians languish in Isis cross-hairs from Lebanon to Nineveh Plain...
JUNE 18, 2015 By Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari US Army (ret.)-
If NEC-SE readers want to know what happened in the Turkish elections, just look at the power of the Lire and Turkish stocks over the past week.
The Turkish election means the entire conflict region will now change.
Three other groups, which have Kurdish ties, have now won. The Turkish society was at odds with the Turkish President (and former Prime Minister) Erdogan’s Islamic philosophy on so many levels that they flocked in record numbers to the voting booth. Turkish society elected not only the largest number of females to Turkey’s Grand National Assembly – with 96 women being elected, bringing the total number of female deputies to a historical high of 17 percent, but also electing the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) into Turkish politics and more importantly, power structure.
This is stunning given the fact that the PKK name could not even be uttered in Turkey a year ago and now it shares part of the 59% of the opposition coalition in the new Turkish government. The same opposition coalition that may seat the next cabinet in Turkey and possibly elect the next Prime Minister, along with the departmental leaders for all key governmental structures in Turkey.
This has lead to the possibility of Turkish President Erdogan calling for new elections and or being forced to establish a coalition with the current victors. He has to choose which one of the three winning groups he needs to unite with to create a cabinet.
This is made more difficult given you can already hear the rhetoric from the future leadership in Turkey that the old regime’s 12 years of corruption must be exposed. That corruption is tied to contracts, with a majority of them tied to the Kurdish Regional Government, and its footprint.
Currently there are approximately 4,000 registered Turkish companies in Erbil, the
capital of KRG. These companies span the fields of construction, business contracting, and distribution. The majority of these companies owe their footprint to the previous Turkish leadership, which over the past twelve years fronted them the face-to-face meetings to win large construction projects in northern Iraq.
Many of these initial projects were funded largely by USAID, United States Corps of Engineers (USACE), and other U.S. Civil Military Project efforts in Northern Iraq designed to win the hearths and minds of Iraqis and to rebuild Iraq’s northern provinces after combat operations had ended in OIF. The problem for Iraq and the United States tax payers is that most of the money for those Humanitarian projects which fall under title 10 monies of U.S. Code and Civil Military Operations were spent in Southern Turkey, (mainly PKK populated areas), the home station for these businessmen, helping to develop southern Turkey’s infrastructure and to create and support front groups to Barazani’s larger coalition within the region. It should be noted that the PKK was on the blacklist for the State Department.
The current leadership of the KRG is in such a panic given they lost their ally, (Turkish President), in the region that Mr. Nerchavan Barazani, Prime Minister of Kurdistan made a two day long emergency trip to Sulaymaniyah right after the elections. His meeting was targeted at persuading the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) interim leader Kosrat Rasul, to see if an alliance can be struck in order to save the Barazani KRG fractured coalition. The said coalition has been under fire given they declared independence while Mosul was being overrun by ISIS last year, sold Iraqi oil to Turkey given a 50 year contract they signed with Turkey without Iraq’s permission, promised oil to Israel that they cannot deliver given they have almost lost their footprint in Nineveh Plains and Kirkuk, and after they were told by the State Department that they need to learn how to administer a region before a region is given to them carte blanche. This does not include the 41% corruption index score and the fact that the KRG has not paid or shorted its civil servants pay over the past 5 months. All of the aforementioned lead to the possible ouster of some notable members of the KRG within a year.
The notable members of the KRG leadership that may be out or will be affected given their key leadership position are Mr. Masoud Barazani who probably will not run for reelection as the President of Kurdistan, set for 20 August 2015, given he has lost his allies in President Erdogon and his party, that were an opposition group to the PKK, the latter which won in the recent Turkish election. The other two other positions, which remain uncertain if Mr. Barzani is out, are the, Chancellor of the KRG Security Council position, and the Commander of the Peshmerga. This is key for the United States given the KRG has asked for direct weapon shipments to the Peshmirga under the current KRG leadership. The only individual that may remain untouched until after the election might be Mr. Nechervan Barzani. He is liked by the west and has been more effective with his administrative programs in the Kurdish region. NEC-Se does not know if the United States will delay the decision on any weapon shipments to the KRG until the elections have been concluded.
Sulamaniyah is closely tied to Iran both economically and politically, and for lack of better terms, not an outright enemy but a competitor to the KRG and Erbil. Given Mr. Nechervan Barzani just met with the interim leadership of PUK, the internal turf battles within the KRG have now begun showing their hand in the public record.
This election also means that Iran’s expectation to become a regional hegemony has just been solidified at the economic and political levels. With Iran having forces in Iraq, proxies in Yemen and Lebanon, and now introducing 15,000 troops to solidify the Syrian regime, the reality is that the Sunni states and allies of the United States have lost politically and economically in the region. Furthermore, the reality is that the PKK’s historical relationship with Russia may now bring Turkey closer to Russia economically and politically. As a note Russia finished conducting naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean along with China’s navy in May of this year.
So let’s recap: Russia, China, and Iran have a large footprint in the Middle East; Current KRG leadership is possibly on the way out; and Turkey is changing from within and possibly turning away from the U.S. while Saudi Arabia is in a free fall and possibly losing its footprint in the region over the next few months.
Given that Israeli businesses have been closely working with the companies who may be exposed over the next few months to complete the PKK political victory against the current KRG leadership, NEC-SE would highly encourage the Israeli businessmen to relook their existing contracts and enduring partners within the region.
This election also affects ISIS in Turkey, which had been on the receiving end of weapon shipments from Turkey given the fact that they were selling oil cheaply to the latter. ISIS will now be limited to receiving weapons from other interested parties within the region. ISIS has already started losing a footprint in Syria to YPG (Kurdish group). This loss will affect turkey as now YPG is displacing Syrian Arabs who are flocking into Turkey in record numbers destabilizing and already difficult Turkish political operational environment.
The new Turkish government will be challenged given the Syrian coalition which is now dead in Turkey was recruiting persons from the two million refugees in Turkey. These refugees will become a political and financial liability for Turkey given the Syrian opposition groups will now have to relocate from Turkey. ISIS will now lose its footprint in Syria given the U.S. will now have to rethink its tactical operations against Syrian forces ensuring that Bashar Assad’ remain in place. Syrian opposition is now virtually dead at the political level. On 10 Jun 15 The Washington Post stated that “ key lawmakers have moved to slash funding of a secret CIA operation to train and arm rebles in Syria.” It should be noted that Turkish forces are currently being used along Turkeys Southern boarders to stop Arab refugees from entering Turkey.
The Syrian anti-government coalition will have to be moved to Jordan. This is shifting the alliances in the region. The only Coalition option for the U.S.’s current policy is now in Jordan, which means Jordan will become unstable and possibly change internally.
The two positives for the Assyrians are that in early June and prior to the Turkish elections, the Assyrian Church of the East decided not to conduct the election of the next Patriarch of the Church of the East until September given they understood the strategic and regional issues the new Church Patriarch would be dealing with in this climate. There unanimous decision to delay should be applauded once again.
The second positive for the Assyrians is that Mr. Erol Dora, who is an Assyrian attorney, won a seat in the recent Turkish election. In fact, he is the first Assyrian Christian in 50 years to be re-elected to a seat in Turkey’s Parliament. Mr. Dora, who is 47-years-old, was born in the village of Hassana and became a refugee like the rest of the Assyrians when his village was evacuated by the military during fighting between rebels and soldiers in the 90’s. He is an independent but is liked by the PKK.
The lesson learned for U.S. policy in the region is that we need to stop allying ourselves with bad actors within the region. The Middle East is bleeding and as these bad actors fall our footprint diminishes in the region to the Russians and the Chinese. The United States is now in a position that not only is it funding, training, and equipping opposition groups in Syria who are politically dead but now must consider ensuring that Basar Al Assad remains in power given their is no opposition groups remaining viable at the political level. At the same time Iran who is keeping his regime alive rather see him replaced and may do so further solidifying their hold on Syria.
Meanwhile 660,000 Assyrian Christians languish in Isis cross-hairs from Lebanon to Nineveh Plain mostly distributed in dozens of temporary encampments easily overrun into which ISIS fighters could make forays and engage in wanton destruction. Assyrians are an ethnic group with thousands of years tied to the Mid East and are guardians of civilization and stability in a region too often characterized by extreme violence and mayhem with its consequent economic disruption.
Monday, June 15, 2015
The PHP Entrepreneur Tour
& Patrick Bet David are Taking America by Storm!!!
Patrick Bet David is CEO of the PHP Agency with 21,000 employees and Associates.
He understands entrepreneurship and is espousing the message across our great land during his Entrepreneurship Tour Across America, meeting with hundreds of entrepreneurs in 16 cities and travelling through 35 states plus Canada.
He is also the Director of the the Entrepreneur´s Book Club-a juggernaut at selling books. David interviewed Rober t Green author of 48 Laws of Power and he sold 2200 book copies. He has also interviewed Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki; Apple Computer Co-founder Steve Wozniak; Sales Legend Tom Hopkins and other leading thinkers and doers in American Entrepreneurship.
Some videos of these interviews follow: v=nPlDoW0d4a4 Apple Computer Co Founder-Steve Wozniak -Interview Patrick Bet David v=dE07gDtwjE0 Robert Green/48 Laws of Power--Interview Patrick Bet David t=49&v=BCbMFZGe3zU Entrepreneurs Book Club
Friday, June 12, 2015
Para participar en el La Escuela Milan/Perú en el 2015 favor tener en cuenta:
- La II Temporada (agosto-diciembre) ofrece la opción de pagar en 4 cuotas de S/320 (1a 30 de junio; 2nda cuota-15 de julio; 3a cuota para el 15 de agosto y la ultima cuota el 15 de setiembre-total de S/1280. Aquellos que desean recibir un descuento adicional podran tenerla con un pago de S/1200. HAY QUE CANCELAR ANTES DEL ???????????????????
- Puntos importantes: Uniformes NO ESTAN INCLUIDOS en el costo y cuestan S/240-este monto se cancela solamente cuando se verifica que tenemos la talla de su hijo en la bodega.
- Si no hay su talla, su hijo necesita participar, mientras tanto, con polo blanco, short negro y zapatillas de toperoles cortos. No se permiten uniformes AC Milan no oficiales-SIN EXCEPCION ALGUNA.
- No hay derecho de devolucion de su dinero-SIN EXCEPCION ALGUNA- en caso de no asistir las clases/partidos (no importa el motivo).
Para inscribir a su hijo diríjase o al Colegio Los Alamos, Jirón Estados Unidos, 731 (con la esq. de Avda San Felipe) en Jesús Maria o a la Puerta 4 del Jockey (Surco). En los Alamos hay atención desde las 9 AM hasta las 7:30 PM de lunes-viernes y los días sábado desde las 9 AM hasta la 1 AM. En el Jockey hay atención para el publico desde las 3:00 PM hasta las 7:30 PM los días lunes a viernes y de 9 AM a 1 PM los sábados.
EL PAGO: Para cancelar se puede a través de un depósito: Cuenta Nuevos Soles del BANCO BAN BIF N° 7000508027 MILAN SOCCER SCHOOL-LOS ALAMOS-SAC comprobante ORIGINAL de depósito (voucher) entregarlo en nuestros puntos de atención para proceder a la inscripción. Si tienen alguna pregunta no duden en comunicarse con nosotros a través de nuestra central de llamadas: 261-7801. Recordamos a todos entregar VOUCHER ORIGINAL (y no a traves de copias enviadas por correo electrónico)
¡Las inscripciones en la Escuela del AC MILAN va a ser un excelente estimulo para el desarrollo de su menor! ¡Esperamos contar con ustedes!
Gender Change & Gay Marriage?

David Pickup proclaims the truth...
It´s time for Psychotherapy America!
In 2015, America continues to be inundated with homosexual marriage victory stories and the saga about Caitlyn Jenner whose car accident, while known as Bruce, has put this individual (referred to as her despite XY chromosomes to the contrary) and the nation on the spot.
Could it be that a deeply conflicted man driven to distraction about his condition and about to go under the knife to cut down his manhood was not only bringing a car wreck down upon himself and others, but a wreck upon America as well? Could it also be that a deeply conflicted nation is now vulnerable to a nationwide disaster called gay marriage pushed by supporters who truly need some deep personal and professional help despite the vocal and angry insistence that they are really quite happy?
Barack Obama and Bruce Jenner have set much in motion regarding the homosexual marriage and transgender issues. Following Vice President Biden´s expression of support
of gay marriage, President Obama apparently "evolved" on the issue and came out in favor as well. But Obama has gone beyond just changing his opinions. He seems hell bent on outlawing opposition to the gay cause. Witness Obama’s declaration of calling for a nationwide ban on therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions. If gay marriage is to be applauded then it won’t be a surprise if Reparative Therapy is excoriated and attacked.
The gay agenda seeks to achieve the normalization of homosexuality within every level
of American society and the world. Where will this lead in ten years if gay marriage succeeds?
America needs help answering this question and David Pickup, a successful Reparative Therapist who enables people to change their unwanted same sex attractions is available to offer answers and assistance for those who can benefit most - homosexuals and people contemplating gender reassignment surgery. David also can offer therapy to get at the heart of the issues underlying the onset of their deep gender identity confusion. Homosexuals and transgender Americans need our help.
About this controversial media guest:
David Pickup, is licensed in California and Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist, whose 2 private practices involve those undergoing authentic Reparative Therapy. After having great success with Reparative Therapy in his own life, he is now an experienced therapist who facilitates therapy for men that truly works to reduce or dissipate homosexual feelings and helps them experience their heterosexual potential. Website is
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Assyrians: the brave and honorable guardians of civility in the Middle East
To the left Hebrew inscriptions on the tomb of Nahum the Prophet now under the gurdianship of the family of Asir Salaam Shajaa, an Assyrian Christian from Al Qosh, Iraq (center picture). Right Assyrian children sleeping in open lot vulnerable to massacre by ISIS. The Assyrian Army is tasked with protecting Assyrians in refugee camps and in the villages where they still remain.
JUNE 9, 2015
Currently some 660,000 Middle Eastern Assyrians are refugees or in displaced person status in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Lebanon. Many of these refugees reside in camps and other temporary settlements that are under constant threat of attack by the ISIS forces that drove them from their homes. A small but extremely determined and highly effective Assyrian army defends these camps and also the villages in the Nineveh plain that have not been overrun by ISIS.
To date the Assyrian military forces in the Syria/Iraq zone of conflict have not received any direct support or funding from regional powers and Western nations in their fight against ISIS.
Regional powers and Western nations have, however, funded various Sunni factions and forces battling ISIS in the Nineveh Plains area. What’s more, funding as well as direct military aid and training has also been provided to the Iraqi central government, which is backed by Iran. Other aid recipients are the KRG, which is intent on “administering” the Assyrian heartland of Nineveh Plains after ISIS is driven from the region, and anti-Syrian forces that are tied to various bad actors such Al-Qaeda.
In modern times the Assyrian people have promoted peace and tolerance in the region. To that end they have guarded the tomb of a Hebrew prophet Nahum, which is located in their homeland. It was Nahum who prophesized the fall of Nineveh in the mid-seventh century BC, several decades before the city actually fell in 612 BC.
The difficult job of defending the Assyrian people would be made easier if the overstretched Assyrian forces, outnumbered by ISIS and lacking in all the materials needed for the fight, could leave Nahum’s tomb unguarded. Assyrian fighting men and women charged with protecting the ancient resting place of a long-dead Hebrew prophet–one who was, in his time, a dedicated foe of the Assyrian Empire–could certainly find plenty of employment battling the forces seeking their annihilation. But that is not the Assyrian way. The Assyrians feel that it is their duty as a civilized people to resist the forces of barbarism in the region, and the fulfillment of that duty includes protecting the region’s culture heritage.
Sadly, a number of Israeli companies have contracted with the KRG leadership to help the Kurds develop the Nineveh Plains and its resources once ISIS has been eradicated.
This relationship was so entwined that in June 2014 Iraqi business news reported: “In a speech to a Tel Aviv think-tank…Netanyahu called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan as part of a broader alliance with moderate forces across the region, and went on to call the Kurds “a nation of fighters who have proved political commitment and are worthy of independence.” “According to the report from The Guardian, Israel has maintained discreet military, intelligence and business ties with the Sunni Kurds seeing them as a buffer against shared Arab adversaries.”
Thus, and rather ironically, Assyrian troops are protecting the tomb of a Hebrew prophet even as that prophet’s descendants are helping the Kurds who are Muslim Sunnis to gain control over the Assyrian homeland.
Since Netanyahu’s speech last June Kurds have joined ISIS to fight Kurds in Khobani, 100 plus members of the Kurdish Religious Department have left to join ISIS, and the Kurdish Regional Government abandoned the Mosul battlefields it needed to hold in support of future business agreements with Israeli oil in the middle of the night in August 2014, one month after the Israeli’s PM speech in support of their independence.
Yet the Israeli businessmen still fly into Erbil airport on a daily bases and have even been photographed with blue prints under their arms in the open as they are escorted to their meetings with KRG leaders who were recently educated on how not to administer a region by the State Department during their visit to Washington D.C.
This being true the Assyrians are still protecting the tomb of a Jewish profit since last year when the Kurds cut and ran from the battlefield. The Assyrians do so even through they may never get the support they need from Nahum’s ancestors in their historical homeland. In effect, the Assyrians are performing a good deed that will do them no good on this earth.
But then, we should not be surprised by this outcome. The Middle East is a place where few good deeds go unpunished especially when the worship of the almighty dollar stands between understanding who is an enduring partner in the region and who is a partner who still considers you one of the people of the book as they do the Christians they are not supporting or annihilating in the region.
The name Nahum means ”consolation” or “consoler”. And this is fitting name for the man who was chosen to comfort the oppressed people of southern kingdom of Judah. I wonder what he would think now if he knew that his grave is about to be destroyed by ISIS as it is protected by the descendents of the Ancient Assyrians who destroyed the northern kingdom of Israeli while the Israeli businessmen are flying into KRG on a daily basis striking deals with the Sunni Kurds who abandoned his grave site in the middle of the night last August a month after the Israeli PM praised them as allies in the region.
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