Gender Change & Gay Marriage?

David Pickup proclaims the truth...
It´s time for Psychotherapy America!
In 2015, America continues to be inundated with homosexual marriage victory stories and the saga about Caitlyn Jenner whose car accident, while known as Bruce, has put this individual (referred to as her despite XY chromosomes to the contrary) and the nation on the spot.
Could it be that a deeply conflicted man driven to distraction about his condition and about to go under the knife to cut down his manhood was not only bringing a car wreck down upon himself and others, but a wreck upon America as well? Could it also be that a deeply conflicted nation is now vulnerable to a nationwide disaster called gay marriage pushed by supporters who truly need some deep personal and professional help despite the vocal and angry insistence that they are really quite happy?
Barack Obama and Bruce Jenner have set much in motion regarding the homosexual marriage and transgender issues. Following Vice President Biden´s expression of support
of gay marriage, President Obama apparently "evolved" on the issue and came out in favor as well. But Obama has gone beyond just changing his opinions. He seems hell bent on outlawing opposition to the gay cause. Witness Obama’s declaration of calling for a nationwide ban on therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions. If gay marriage is to be applauded then it won’t be a surprise if Reparative Therapy is excoriated and attacked.
The gay agenda seeks to achieve the normalization of homosexuality within every level
of American society and the world. Where will this lead in ten years if gay marriage succeeds?
America needs help answering this question and David Pickup, a successful Reparative Therapist who enables people to change their unwanted same sex attractions is available to offer answers and assistance for those who can benefit most - homosexuals and people contemplating gender reassignment surgery. David also can offer therapy to get at the heart of the issues underlying the onset of their deep gender identity confusion. Homosexuals and transgender Americans need our help.
About this controversial media guest:
David Pickup, is licensed in California and Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist, whose 2 private practices involve those undergoing authentic Reparative Therapy. After having great success with Reparative Therapy in his own life, he is now an experienced therapist who facilitates therapy for men that truly works to reduce or dissipate homosexual feelings and helps them experience their heterosexual potential. Website is
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