Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

F LEE BAILEY for your College, University or Law School Commencement
America's most famous Defense Attorney has a message-Two fisted trial lawyers ready to fight to acquittal are dying out and vital for our justice system

America is fast becoming a nation of craven attorney plea bargainers. "Let's make a deal" is fast replacing "ladies and gentlemen of the jury my client is innocentthe state has no case and here´s why ​you will conclude that ​NOT GUILTY is the ​right verdict!"

Contact OCASOMEDIA 305-396-2806 ocasomedia@gmail.com

Colleges & Universities i
nterested in booking F Lee Bailey please email or call in contact name and school and a CELL number to arrange details.

 F Lee Bailey is, in the American mind, synonymous with excellence at defending clients in dire straits-particularly in murder cases. After serving proudly in the United States Marine Corp as a Sabre Jet pilot and legal officer, he went to Boston University and graduated at the top of his class in 1960. His upward trajectory as a young attorney to watch was firmly established by his successful appeal before the US Supreme court of the famous Sam Sheppard murder case in which Bailey argued that Sheppard had been denied due process. 

Sheppard Innocent!!!
 This resulted in Sheppard being re-tried and acquitted.  At the time it seemed a lost cause with numerous appeals having been rejected, but Bailey was unbowed and helped give a physician a second lease at life. Although most remember F Lee Bailey for his effective cross examination of Mark Fuhrman that demolished the prosecutions credibility and let to a not guilty verdict for OJ Simpson, Bailey found his defense of Capt. Ernest Medina during his court martial trial for the Mai Lai massacre during the Vietnam War far more satisfying. One of his greatest contributions to American jurisprudence may prove to be the book F Lee Bailey co-wrote with renowned jurist  Kenneth Fishman entitled Excellence in Cross-Examination.

Listen to F Lee Bailey's recent Interview on Bill Martinez Live Nationally Syndicated Radio Show/CRN

Interview opportunity F LEE BAILEY 

 Contact OCASOMEDIA 305-396-2806 ocasomedia@gmail.com 

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