...Ancient Rome from 305 AD to 325 AD, in all its blood, grit and pageantry.
With production talent from The Passion of the Christ,
The producers are assembling a world-class team of highly accomplished filmmakers from the US & Europe to bring this important historical drama to life.
Nicaea is set at a time of religious perse-cution when warring factions threaten to rip the Roman Empire apart, a charismatic young emperor named Constantine emerges from the turmoil.
Through politics and sheer military skill, Constantine manages to consolidate power and defeat rivals including Maxentius (at the epic Battle of Milvian Bridge), Maximian and Licinius to become the unquestioned ruler of the sprawling Empire.
INTERVIEW OPPORTUNITY OcasoMedia 305 396 2806

The World of Nicaea
The central figure of 4th century Rome is Constantine. The story of Rome is told through his eyes and actions – the palace intrigues, the battles and triumphs.
NICAEA is also the story of Christianity – enduring brutal Roman repression, physical and metaphysical struggle and eventually coming together at the Council of Nicaea to emerge as a powerful political and cultural entity. The broad themes of the movie are passage and journey as the characters and audience travel to a new place, arriving at a new understanding.
About your guest
Charles Parlato has both a Juris Doctor and an MBA,
and came to Hollywood via Wall Street, where he managed a successful hedge fund, also investing in select entertainment and technology projects. As CEO of Electric Avenue Radio, Parlato is an executive producer of Blue Caprice, a crime drama starring Isaiah Washington, which premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. - See more at: http://www.nicaeathemovie.com
Jamil Dehlavi Director
Jamil Dehlavi is an independent filmmaker with over 35 years experience who has written, produced and directed many international award-winning feature films and documentaries including Towers of Silence, The Blood of Hussain, Born of Fire, Immaculate Conception, Passover, The Sacred Mountain, Jinnah, Infinite Justice, and Godforsaken.
Enzo Sisti-Line Producer
Enzo Sisti is a
movie veteran with over 25 years in various production capacities, Sisti is one of Italy’s most experienced producers. His body of work includes Mission Impossible III, Cliffhanger, Gangs of New York, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The English Patient among many others. - See more at: http://www.nicaeathemovie.com/
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