"The Boy Scouts of America don't know what they are getting into…..But Homosexuals do."
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, David Pickup
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, David Pickup comments:
"The BSA´s abdication of moral responsibility and enthusiastic support for the gay lifestyle will prove catastrophic for countless boys and families".
The Boy Scouts of America have long signaled that they would welcome a totally gay friendly scouting movement with their 2013 election of Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates-a supporter of the repeal of the DADT military policy.
Just as the US Supreme Court showed themselves to be justices of supreme foolishness with the permanent decision that homosexual marriage is a constitutional right, so too the BSA has showed itself to be even more reckless.The youth of America, being bullied into thinking that accepting the LGBT agenda (homosexuality is inborn), are being led over a cliff to heartache and disaster.
Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305- 396-2806
What will America do when it finds out through emerging scientific and anecdotal evidence that homosexuality is NOT inborn, but is caused by the heartbreak of gender identity inferiority and unmet childhood needs for love, affirmation and affection?
Here is what will actually happen (some of which is already happening and being reported) when this dysfunction plays out in skyrocketing behaviors and phenomenon such as:
- AIDS among growing population of young men UNDER 18-infected thanks to sexually promiscuous scouting activities; the documentable age group that is currently most susceptible to unsafe sex and sexual diseases.
- Suicides over social media enabled documentation of "just try it out" homosexual activities that play themselves out during camping trips and thereafter
- Disappearances of at risk youth who become introduced to the gay sub-culture via scouting and thanks to openly gay scout masters who trade their boy trophies to violent gay males
- Drug use thanks to an open door to the gay sub culture the gay scout leaders will enable
- Other Sexual diseases-all endemic to Gay culture-and a "souvenir" from camp-outs
- Aggressive sexual proselytizing within the scouting movement-vulnerable youth will be up for grabs when confronted by a growing stream of predatory gay adults in scouting extending a helping hand.
- Scouting, in the name of love and affection, will become a sexual playground for gay adults "interested" in mentoring and "serving" vulnerable youth. Does America really think that scouting is so pure that the common situation of Gay males who sexualize young teens will NOT happen? News reports and research is full of not just Gay men with men. Many stories of Gay men with boys and teens are available to even the casual reader.
What Gay & Transgender people need is psychotherapy not "gay scouting", marriage or surgery!

About this controversial media guest:
David Pickup, is licensed in California and Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist, whose 2 private practices involve those undergoing authentic Reparative Therapy. After having great success with Reparative Therapy in his own life, he is now an experienced therapist who facilitates therapy for men that truly works to reduce or dissipate homosexual feelings and helps them experience their heterosexual potential. Website is www.davidpickuplmft.com
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