Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
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Monday, July 27, 2015

He predicts it and it happens...

Emerging Turkish-Iranian war will have Kurdistan as its first casualty. 

US Army (ret.) Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari nails Mid-East events-BEFORE they occur!

US Army (ret.) Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari

US Army special forces (ret.) Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari has a small crystal ball that he keeps on his desk in his Chicago area home study. He likes to joke about putting a neon sign outside his house for people looking for advice on love and business-"why not?-they pay cash!" He turns serious, however, when asked about the Middle East tinderbox unfolding and directs his attention to Kurdistan. He predicted months ago that Turkey would attack Kurdish positions in Iraq and, as reported in the NY Times, it happened on Friday, July 24th. It was hugely important.  

"The conflict between Turkey and Iran officially began July 24th, 2015. It also marks the death of Kurdish aspirations to establish a greater Kurdistan in the Mid-East. 

This conflict is going to expand over the next year and divide the Kurds, and result in Turkish control over Dohuk and Erbil while Iran will control Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk. 

ISIL Attack-US Consulate-Kurdish Capital-Erbil
Unfortunately the current Kurdish leadership has not understood that when you can´t administer your territory you invite regional involvement from global economies and other nations just take their security concerns into their own hands at the expense of Kurdish rule."

Developments that Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari saw coming (there are many-the best ones are are classified) : 
  • Sangari predicted on March 29th-2015 that Turkey would take military action against the Kurdish Government and attacks have now taken place as reported in Debka File-Jul-24th 
  • March 25th-prediction concerning Jordan´s sending of ground against ISIS-on July 24th it became news
  • May 21st he predicted that Saudi Arabia (as we know it) with hundreds of bombings across the kingdom may not last beyond Sept. 2015 and on June 18th–Najran tribes in Southern Saudi Arabia were reported to have seceded.

Guest Introduction: 
US Army ​Lt. Col​. (ret.) Sargis Sangari ​is the CEO of Near East Center for Strategic Engagement ​ and is also Founder of the United Assyrian Appeal  
http://unitedassyrianappeal.org/. He had six years of continuous combat deployment in the Mid East​-conducted 144 combat patrols, 22 Special Forces missions​ and surviv​ed 
​many attacks. His leadership ​in Iraq ​also encompassed a​uthoring ​​a ​groundbreaking project regarding a federalized system for local governance that became the basis for post war civil-military ​cooperation, security and development. 

Interview Opportunity-OCASOMEDIA

Recent media appearances by Lt Col Sargis Sangari:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaTzCreHhCI Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari on The World Over with Raymond Arroyo 

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