Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Obama needs LOTS of heat to see the Light

Likely that terrorists have been welcomed into America while Christians remain JAILED in California 

Time to free the "Otay 27"

Bill McIntosh

A recent video that an associate sent me (see below) concerning the senseless detention of 27 Iraqi Christian refugees at the Otay Mesa ICE detention facility who have been deemed guilty of "illegal entry" into the US from Mexico was met with skepticism by one associate in Christian media and by squemishness by another active in Christian outreach not far from Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn is a town so chock full of muslims is is called Dearbornistan. I like both of these skeptics but the latter is too concerned that even the slightest politically related utterance may jeopardize the 501 C3 status for his religious outreach ministry. How successful LBJ was at silencing Christians speech and shutting Christianity into a tightly sealed box! 

Without further ado-please take a "gander" as one of the Bowery Boys was wont to say of the plight of these 27 Christian detainees-20 of whom have families ready to take them in. 

These 27 Christians need to be contrasted with the hundreds of thousands of Muslims reported to have been admitted and aggressively advocated for by the Obama Administration (many of whom are, no doubt, inadequately screened to weed out terrorists beforehand by the ISIS besieged governments of Iraq & Syria).  As reported by Capt. (USN-ret) Joseph John (Chairman & Director of Combat Veterans for Congress) in an OP-ED for the Dr. Rich Swier website the difference in treatment of Muslim versus Christian refugees is glaring: 

"Greek Catholic sources have said more than 300,000 Syrian and Assyrian Christians are among the refugees driven from their homes by ISIL and Al Q’ieda Radical Islamic Terrorists, but neither the UN nor Obama have shown any willingness to resettle Christians refugees in the US. The Obama administration has resisted the acceptance of Christian refugees, and is only aggressively pushing the acceptance of Muslim refugees from the UN Resettlement Program....The UN is excluding Christians from their ... Resettlement Programs."

Capt. John also wrote: 

"Obama’s massive immigration of 6 million Muslim immigrates who didn’t have their backgrounds properly investigated, as required by Federal Immigration Laws previously passed by Congress and signed into law by over 20 past Democrat and Republican US Presidents."

Moreover the Pew Research Center, in a report now 5 years old, supports the 6 million muslim figure albeit indicating that it would be achieved in the next 15 years. 

Now assuming Pres. Obama was correct about his lowball estimates regarding Muslim bad guys (reported in the Washington Times) and good citizen types  since "99.9%" of muslims want just order, peace and prosperity. What can we possibly fear from that one tenth of one percent and just how many Muslims does that come out to be?  While total muslim population estimates differ greatly, keep in mind that Capt. John entitled his column Obama’s Massive Resettlement of 6 Million Muslims to the U.S.. With this total as a jumping off point, one tenth of a percent equals only 6,000 jihadist friendly/active participant Muslims being inside our country. Isn´t it great that only 6,000 people are either hell bent on destroying America or aiding and abetting that objective thanks to easy immigration to our country? Surely those low numbers wont be too hard to absorb? Dont law enforcement professionals need to keep their terrorist apprehension skills sharpened? What mayhem could 6000 muslims possibly perpetrate on the U.S. if spread over, say, one hundred cities in groups of 50-60 commando raid teams with weapons? Also-as the video suggests-is it so far fetched that these muslims have actively aided, participated in or looked the other way as Christians were persecuted, raped and or killed by ISIS and other islamic swine in their nations of origin? 

The video also asks some provocative questions. One is when Congress will right this wrong and obtain the release of the 27 Christians AND initiate impeachment proceedings against Obama. The idea is a "no-brainer". Letting in hundreds of thousands of muslims who were admitted with useless background checks guarantees terrorist acts in the coming months and Obama is treasonous as his non enforcement of immigration law gives aid and comfort to the enemy thus he qualifies under Article II Section 4 for impeachment.

Even if required by UN treaty to take in refugees why not be willing to take even just half of the the approximately 600,000 Christian Assyrian refugees spread from Iraq to Syria and Lebanon? What percent will be terrorists if the New Testament that orients these refugees offers scant justiification for holy war? 

The other question asked is if inaction regarding impeachment and obtaining the release of these 27 Christians could be due to Congress being either bribed or black mailed? Considering the craven "non-sequiterous" behavior (to coin a term referring to incomprehensible conduct that simply doesnt follow logically), by the GOP leadership such as not defunding Obama Care despite winning both houses of Congress and their solicitous help in getting TPP Fast Track passed while Democrats opposed it like patriots, what else can explain the turn of events? 

America is exasperated by the great GOP political let down on so many fronts-especially on immigration and on matters of faith. The "Otay 27"are emblematic of this exasperation. Hopefully Donald Trump will take up this cause. In the meantime call the White House and demand the release of the Otay 27.      

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