Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015


National Republican Trust Pac announces advertising campaign to hold U.S. senators who vote in favor of the Obama/Iran deal accountable. 

Anyone who votes with Obama and Iran will be responsible for Irans next deadly attack and will have blood on their hands"  said Scott Wheeler, Executive Director National Republican Trust Pac

" Wheeler further stated that 'Democrats should not place Party loyalty nor fear of Obama above the national security of the United States. These elected officials are supposed to represent their districts and states and not to be members of Obama's Greek Chorus!'

The PAC, which has a history of powerful and effective political ads, has so far released two radio spots that spell out clearly how dangerous this agreement is, and the political ramifications of it. (radio texts below). 

"We are now at a point where we need to question either Obama's loyalty to this country or his intelligence" said Wheeler. "In 2009, Obama removed missile sensors from the Czech Republic and Poland that were intended to stop Irans ICBM's from reaching the United States, and now he insists on allowing Iran to obtain ICBMs. Obama either does not care about Americans security or he is ignorant about what he is trying to do" Wheeler added.

For interviews with former investigative journalist and National Republican Trust PAC executive director, Scott Wheeler contact OCASOMEDIA 305-396-2806

About Guest Scott Wheeler: 
Scott Wheeler is ​Executive Director of National Republican Trust PAC (GOP TRUST) and is a successful political campaigner​ ​and investigative ​reporter who has uncovered some of the biggest stories of the past 20 years, including:
  •  The story of the Clinton Administration selling national security secrets to Communist China
  • Exposing  terrorists attempting to obtain U.S. weapons of mass destruction through infiltration of a Middle East weapons ring 

  • Penetrating Hamas during an undercover investigation that led to Hamas' operatives in the US to be arrested and caused others to go into hiding.

On the political scene, when Wheeler turns his investigative prowess onto the Washington power establishment the results are staggering. 

Radio ad—
Vo: Do you believe that terrorists should have a nuclear weapon? Do you support handing over billions of dollars to the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism? Of course not but your senator might. Right now, Washington needs to hear from you about the Iran agreement, a deal so ridiculously dangerous that it allows Iran to inspect itself for nuclear weapons, and gives Iran billions to fund their next deadly attack. Call Senator (Blumenthal; Wyden; Peters; Cardin) and tell him to vote no on the Iran deal.

And tell him if he votes yes his name will go down in history as one who enabled one of the most violent regimes on the planet—allowed them funding to kill— and the blood of Irans actions will be on his hands—if he thinks this is just another vote to show loyalty to the Democratic Party, he is wrong.
Paid for by the National Republican Trust PAC, which is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.goptrust.com

Radio Ad--
There is something rotten in Iran and you can smell it in Washington DC. The Islamic Republic of Iran, a terrorist state that has murdered hundreds of American civilians and killed more than 500 American soldiers now wants nuclear weapons and President Obama is trying to sign a deal that will let them get it, even while they are promising "death to America"  and to wipe Israel off the map. Why would Obama do this to America? Is President Obama ignorant? or worse? 

Call your senators and tell them to vote "no" on Iran and Obama's nuclear deal.. for the sake of our children.

Paid for by the National Republican Trust PAC, which is responsible for the content of this advertising.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  www.goptrust.com

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