Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Friday, August 21, 2015

We can all agree-A country that hangs gays; chops off hands; kills stray dogs with acid injections and shouts "Death to America" must NOT get nuclear weapons

"Senators backing Obama´s and iran´s Nuclear deal will have blood dripping from their hands!"

America exposed to an Iranian ICBM attack

Gop Trust takes off the gloves 
Multi state media campaign targets undecided Senators 

Interview Opportunity-OCASOMEDIA

Republican PAC-Moderates fear them-Winners seek them 

Scott Wheeler and The National Republican Trust (GOPTRUST) has an established record at gaining traction among undecideds, moderates, Republicans and Democrats with their aggressive messaging that attacks patent stupidity and political positions that Americans reject.

They have won repeated battles in politics and are a fund raising super star PAC that are a factor in American political life. The defeat of the Ground Zero Mosque; close high stake senate races like Saxby Chambliss crushing defeat in 2008 of Jim Martin and several presidential elections. GOP Trust is run by an eclectic team with backgrounds in journalism, military intelligence, and fourth generation warfare, enabling us to maneuver smartly in the complex and corrupt world of politics. Their multi-state TV and radio ad campaign will target Senators Blumenthal (CT), Wyden (OR), Peters (MI), and Cardin (MD) with a tough message that exposes the high stakes involved. 

See TV advertisement here.

About ​this guest:
​Scott Wheeler is Executive Director of National Republican ​Trust PAC and is an Investigative Reporter ​who has uncovered some of the biggest stories of the past 20 years, including:
Scott Wheeler  

  • The story of the Clinton Adminsitration selling national security secrets to Communist China
  • Exposing  terrorists attempting to obtain U.S. weapons of mass destruction through infiltration of a Middle East weapons ring 
  • Wheeler working undercover inside Hamas during an investigation that led to Hamas' operatives in the US to be arrested and caused others to go into hiding. On the political scene, When Wheeler turned his investigative prowess onto the Washington power establishment, the results are staggering.

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