Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

OJ Simpson"Not Guilty"
Interview opportunity 

Nearing the the 20th Anniversary of the "OJ Simpson" Murder Case 
America's fam​ed Defense Attorney F Lee Bailey has a message-Two fisted trial lawyers ready to fight to acquittal are dying out....

Sam Sheppard "Not Guilty"

America is fast becoming a nation of craven attorney plea bargainers. "Let's make a deal" is fast replacing "ladies and gentlemen of the jury, cross examination will demonstrate that NOT GUILTY ​ is the only verdict possible!

Contact OCASOMEDIA 305-396-2806

 F Lee Bailey is, in the American mind, synonymous with excellence at defending clients in dire straits-particularly in murder cases. After serving proudly in the United States Marine Corp as a Sabre Jet pilot and legal officer, he went to Boston University and graduated at the top of his class in 1960. 

Jet pilot experience proved crucial
in the courtroom

His upward trajectory as a young attorney to watch was firmly established by his successful appeal before the US Supreme court of the famous Dr. Sam Sheppard "Fugitive" murder case in which Bailey argued that Sheppard had been denied due process. 
 This resulted in Sheppard being re-tried and acquitted.  At the time it seemed a lost cause with numerous appeals having been rejected, but Bailey was unbowed and helped give a the physician a second lease at life. Although most remember F Lee Bailey for his effective cross examination of Mark Fuhrman that demolished the prosecutions credibility and let to a not guilty verdict for OJ Simpson, Bailey found his defense of Capt. Ernest Medina during his court martial trial for the Mai Lai massacre during the Vietnam War far more satisfying. One of his greatest contributions to American jurisprudence may prove to be the book F Lee Bailey co-wrote with renowned jurist  Kenneth Fishman entitled Excellence in Cross-Examination.

Listen to F Lee Bailey's recent Interview on Bill Martinez Live Nationally Syndicated Radio Show/CRN

 Radio ​& TV ​shows interested in booking F LeeBailey should email host name, producer name and a cell number to arrange details

 Contact OCASOMEDIA 305-396-2806

Friday, May 30, 2014

Ocaso Media is committed to getting results for clients for a modest investment.  

Call today to inquire. 305-396-2806

“Excellent....Ocasomedia did a first rate job"
Roger G. Charles (Col. USMC Ret.) Co-Author: Oklahoma City-What the Investigation Missed and Why it Still Matters  rogcharles@aol.com

“I’ve used the publicist services of Bill McIntosh since mid 2008.  Bill’s work took my first book, Alaska Happens, to a national level among the outdoors community. I will use his services for my next book and the one after that. He has proven time and again to be that rare combination of a big idea guy and meticulous in detail. His work as a publicist is tireless, as a consultant he is a cornucopia of ideas… The energizer bunny has nothing on Bill...Give Bill a try. It will be one of those experiences when you get more than you expected. I don’t think he sleeps!”

Rick Rydell rickrydell@hotmail.com
Non Fiction Wildlife Author, Alaskan talk show host

"….Bill McIntosh is an amazing radio publicist who bought into the concept of my book, “Diary of a Mall Santa,” and...helped me to sell my stories to tens of thousands of listeners.  Within a blink of the eye, he had booked me on numerous radio shows for live interviews.  He knows the producers and the popular radio personalities, and that helps.  He works fast, efficiently and his PR fees are a fraction of what other public relations firms charge.  The service provided by Ocasomedia makes me want to write another book, and hire Bill to help me promote it.  .... now I feel like I have a new friend for life.   

Stewart Scott, Author, Diary of a Mall Santa.  stewman.scott@gmail.com

” …choosing Ocasomedia to represent my book “Eyewitness To Heaven” is one of my best decisions. By far, [it] … exceeded my expectations and the expectations of my publisher. Thanks to Ocasomedia I obtained a number of media interviews resulting in impressive book sales-one later resulted in an initial 50 book order AND numerous re-orders-totaling approximately 300 books. OCASOMEDIA'S services are quite inexpensive and effective. Ocasomedia gets results”.

       James Wilburn Chauncey, author of Eyewitness to Heaven    jgchaunc@pngusa.net

“Bill McIntosh is an irrepressible and imaginative operator, second to none in those qualities. He ran our Latin-American office for some five years from a hell-hole in Colombia when I was CEO of International Media Ltd in the UK.  If there is the remotest chance of clinching a deal or accessing a key decision-maker, I can imagine nobody more persistent, inventive or resourceful. As a man used to working in difficult and even dangerous conditions, there are few if any obstacles or handicaps which will deter him in a business mission… He was a man of some legend in our organisation…”
Bill Bailey, Former Publisher International Sugar Journal- International Media Limited    bailey1@utvinternet.com

“Bill McIntosh lined me up for on going media exposure at both a local and at a national level. In one case Bill helped set up a weekly update on a Florida radio show that began four years ago and continues to this day! But that´s not all. In another instance Bill bested this by nailing down an arrangment for weekly interviews with a national radio program that reaches 220 cities on two networks! OCASOMEDIA has the initiative to book interviews that keep booking  themselves indefinitely. Whether it is proofing a published work-OCASOMEDIA caught a number of key errors in my book that could have proved embarrassing-or writing an effective press release to send to hundreds of media contacts, Bill McIntosh offers book authors great value-charging half of what other PR agents charge; lots of good ideas and the spark to help make your book sales successful.  Bill works hard for his clients and is always in contact. You never have to call Bill – he calls you!” 

Dr. Kevin Collins-Author of Crooks, Thugs & Bigots -The Lost, Hidden & Changed History of the Democrat Party

“I want to commend OCASOMEDIA for the incredible energy and go-to-it they've shown in putting together their radio shows… Their  competence, energy & attention to detail, brought results. Of great note is the 4 man [NAFTA] debate involving panel questionsOCASOMEDIA pulled together from luminaries such as former Mexican Finance Minister Pedro Aspe to James Hoffa of the Teamsters and others with panelists including a former ambassador to Canada and a US Congressman at different ends of the opinion spectrum and made it happen with alternates standing by, and achieved this feat TWICE.” 

Col. Eric Rojo (US Army Ret.), Executive Vice President and COO
United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce , Washington, DC   


OCASOMEDIA was founded by a frustrated NY media executive-Bill McIntosh-who became fed up with selling advertising in “dead on arrival” publications with meager ad results. A turning point came when Bill sold $10,000 in advertising for a major airline that later, it turned out, had received ZERO results from the ad. Such ”media malpractice” struck Bill McIntosh as totally unacceptable if not criminal and he resolved to find avenues of exposure that worked.

Thanks to his background as a successful sales professional with a “never say die persistence” and his ingenuity honed in the streets of Manhattan where he was a successful door-to-door business to business salesman, Bill McIntosh has the preparation necessary to understand the complex challenges inherent in projecting the right message to decision makers. His latter work as a  corporate copywriter, corporate recruiter and correspondent in international publishing lent him the skill sets necessary to be proficient at creating high impact results driven messages for clients.

Ocaso means  ”dusk” “where the sun sets” or  “West” in Spanish and true to its title Ocaso Media has dealt not only with  the nitty gritty of effective marketing but also with seminal topics of importance to the Western world that can create a captivating backdrop for your message through the experience of its founder Bill McIntosh-journalist,media account executive  and political campaigner.
Ocasomedia is focused on developing worthwhile and long term media contacts for you leading to sustained and effective media exposure.

Finally Ocaso Media has obtained invaluable experience not only an accomplished PR shop but also due to serving in editing and as a PR “radio insider” serving as producer for several nationally syndicated radio programs. 


Saturday, May 24, 2014

New York 
​Times documents 
Surging Heroin Trade

...........deadly drug creates addicts  nationwide & portends Mexican drug violence for Main Street USA 
Hanging bodies in Nuevo Laredo Mexico

Courtesy Conservative Times
Mexican Cartels exerting greater and greater control over U.S. Heroin smuggling & distribution 

Members of Mexican drug gang

Vertical integration takes Mexican criminal organizations into controlling heroin production and trafficking from the field to the street

.................U.S. teenagers
​ targeted for cheap black tar heroin

Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305-396-2806

​ Steve Peterson-Heroin & Mexican Cartel Expert 

Philip Hoffman death tied to heroin

The heroin induced overdose death of famed actor Philip Seymour Hoffman brings international attention to a lethal opiate making a fierce comeback in the U.S. and Mexico is leading the way with increasing control over access to white, brown and black tar varieties. As reported in Forbes, Mexico has an estimated cultivation of 10,500 hectares of opium poppies which has a potential to yield 26 metric tons. The amount of heroin seized each year at the Mexican border has increased nearly four-fold, from 1,232 pounds (558.8 kilograms) in 2008 to 4,610 pounds (2091 kilograms) in 2012.

Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305-396-2806
DEA spokesman Rusty Payne commented: “Most heroin overall is trafficked by Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations,”. Moreover the Mexicans have gotten serious about satisfying the demand for all types of the opiate. According to McClatchy Newspapers a U.S. government official based in Mexico City commented that the Mexicans “brought in experts, chemists, folks from Asia who taught them how to produce better heroin. You saw purity levels climb from 40% to 50% up to 90%.” Heroin is starting to be seen as a problem throughout the United States. The heroin problem traditionally has been associated with large urban areas but this is changing as heroin reaches into smaller American cities.  Burlington, Vermont Police Chief Michael Schirling said it is no longer unusual to find 10,000 bags per 
heroin seizureUSA Today reporting on a recent drug summit quoted FBI Director James Comey  as stating: "Every place I've visited, I've heard about heroin,''


Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305-396-2806

Heroin ​& Mexican Drug Cartel Expert

Steve Peterson
Vice President of the National Law Enforcement Speakers Bureau

Steven R. Peterson at the time of his retirement was the most experienced DEA Street Agent in the United States and had been a Special Agent (SA) of the United States Department of Justice, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for nearly three decades. Peterson was the initial undercover agent in the interdiction of a nearly 4 ton shipment of cocaine in Miami-the biggest confiscation at that time in US history. Steve is currently Vice President of the National Law Enforcement Speakers Bureau, LLC, a network of retired DEA Special Agents and other topic specific experts, providing the highest quality of training to nearly 85,000 professionals in the law enforcement community.  During his DEA career, besides being stationed in Boston, New York and Atlanta, Peterson worked the Charlotte NC district which is the de facto Mexican black tar heroin capital of the Eastern United States, involving the participation of the Sinaloa and Juarez Cartels and the deadly MS-13 gangs made up of Mexican and Central American immigrants. Peterson spent the last year of his career working Mexican heroin traffickers exclusively and interviewed dozens of heroin addicts, recruiting them as informants for DEA.  
​ ​
 Twitter ​@BatmanofDea

Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305-396-2806

DEA SA Ray Stastny

One of Peterson's most important assignments was as Lead Investigator, or Case Agent, in the investigation of the murder of DEA SA Ray Stastny gunned down by a Mexican drug dealer.  For over ten years he had been the DEA Atlanta Field Division Training Coordinator (DTC), responsible for coordinating and conducting training to all DEA employees within the DEA Division, as well as Task Force Officers, State & Local Police Officers and civilians within Georgia, Tennessee and North & South Carolina.  As a DEA DTC, SA Peterson has taught thousands of law enforcement officers, social workers, civilians and parents.  In addition to training, as a street agent working undercover for over 17 years, SA Peterson received numerous awards and commendations, including two Administrator’s Awards for Group Achievement, fifteen Exceptional Performance Awards for performing duties above expectations during career with DEA, as well as over eighty-five awards from state and local law enforcement officers/agencies and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Drug Enforcement Officers Association in 2010.  

Interview Opportunity OCASOMEDIA-305-396-2806