Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


iS THIS CURRENT migrant crisis in Europe a bona fide humanitarian disaster or an invasion by jihadists intent on destroying Europe and western civilization? Particularly stark contrasts are witnessed with images of "refugees" rejexcting food wuith a Red Cross on the box and defiant immigrants speeding on a train to Germany (video here) thundering Amen to prayers of hatred: “May Allah make orphans out of their children”...“May Allah make it difficult on their women”...“Allah give victory to Islam everywhere... and the martyr is beloved by Allah"


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pray at 3 PM for Christians suffering danger in the Mid East and for those defending them
It will work!​

"During the war, you had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter measure, which we did not understand, but it was very powerful...I believe you called it 
the ‘Silent Minute"
                                           Nazi High Official on cause of German defeat

Please send this prayer to EVERYONE you know​-set the alarm on your watch or cell phone! The 3 o'clock PM campaign ​during WWII was crucial in helping the allies defeat Nazi Germany!!!

  Heavenly Father–your  Divine Son-Jesus Christ–died  at 3 PM, we now implore thee-SAVE Christendom in the Mid East from evildoers. Help all Christians-captured and in danger to be firm in their faith and delivered from evil. Assist soldiers defending Christians to be brave and victorious. Please send St. Michael and his Holy angels to help them vanquish our foes.  AMEN

Thursday, September 3, 2015

English classes 
S/.25/hour native speaker-USA

John McIntosh 

John McIntosh-alumno de UDEP


  • Contrato de un mes como minimo
  • 3 clases por semana-c.u. una hora como minimo
  • Clases en oficina del cliente
  • Clases no recuperables-En caso de no asisitr una clase se paga de todos modos
  • Pago en efectivo 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Use the secret weapon against ISIS!
SAVE ASSYRIANS in danger & captivity

Call to prayer at 3 PM each 
day for one minute... 
Nazi High Official on cause of German defeat in WWII:      
During the war, you had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter measure, which we did not understand, but it was very powerful...I believe you called it the ‘Silent Minute"        

Bill Martinez Live 
Broadcasting to 265+ American cities through CRN & other syndication

Monday-Fridays 9-11 AM ET...pre-records for West Coast Guests!