Jato.America´s Resurgence

Jato.America´s Resurgence
Jato is what America needs!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Informe de prensa

AC MILAN-PERU listo dar Bienvenida a Ocho  Entrenadores Universitarios de EEUU.

Entrenadores llegan el miercoles, 27 de enero de Universidades desde California hasta Virginia para identificar futbolistas talentosos peruanos de 1995 hasta 2001-Tienen potestad de brindar becas de estudio universitario para sus instituciones.

Futbolista profesional Johan Pineda da fe a los logros por via universitaria en EEUU
Back Central ha jugado para Real Garcilazo, Union Fuerza Minera y Sport Loreto, comenzo jugando en la calle en Barrios Altos y ahora es Administrador de Empresas  

Johan Pineda comenzó un chibolo futbolista viviendo en Barrios Altos y luego consiguió una beca en Post University de Danbury-Connecticut-EEUU. Ha jugado para Real Garcilazo, Union Fuerza Minera y Sport Loreto.

Entrenadores de de ocho universidades estadunidenses de cinco nacionalidades llegan a Lima los dias 27 y 28 de enero para ver jugar a futbolistas masculinos de las categorias 1995-2001 durante tres dias. Las universidades incluyen State University California-San Marcos; State University Montana-Billings; Carroll College-Montana; University Illinois-Springfield; University North West Ohio, University West Alabama, Patrick Henry Community College de Virginia y Georgia Gwinnett de Georgia. De los 8 entrenadores cinco son profesionales retirados y todos son de gran prestigio en Estados Unidos y con potesdad brindar becas de estudio a talentosos jugadores peruanos que postulan por titulo universitario y aspiran seguir su trayectoria como futbolistas. Un 70% de los profesionales de Major league Soccer provienen de las universidades en Los estados Unidos.

Para entrevistas llama al Gerente de Relaciones Internacionales De AC Milan-Peru 
William McIntosh 949-265-394

Thursday, January 14, 2016

On Trump, Nikki Haley has a point

NikkiHaley2South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley took what I originally labeled on Twitter as “tacit swipes” against Donald Trump in her State of the Union Response Tuesday night, when she was critical of the “temptation” to give in to the “angriest voices.”
Gov. Haley later made it abundantly clear that she was, in fact, criticizing Trump, the multi-billionaire business mogul who continues to lead the GOP pack for president, but urged that he “not take it personally.”
“During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation,” Gov. Haley stated in her Tuesday address. “Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference … Often, the best thing we can do is turn down the volume.”
Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham blasted the governor as a voice of the “establishment,” continuing the refrain that opposition to Donald Trump is simply an extension of establishment angst and nothing more.
As someone who is leaning toward Sen. Ted Cruz in the Republican primary and can hardly be called “establishment,” I have to agree with Nikki Haley on this one.  The rhetoric that we are seeing out of Donald Trump is consistently “angry,” bitter, and playing on emotions in a way that is atypical for Republicans, who are traditionally more thoughtful in their approach.
Although I understand and often feel the anger on the part of conservatives who are sick and tired of Republicans rolling over backwards on key issues of the day, I don’t see how Donald Trump is being at all constructive in what he brings to the table beyond “stirring the pot.”  As Gov. Haley observes, we must be wary of the temptation to give into the angriest voices, because true leadership does not stem from pure emotion.
At the same time, we must also recognize that giving in to political correctness and walking on eggshells when it comes to speaking the truth is just as destructive.  Finding that balance, much like Ted Cruz seems to have done, is the call to conservatives and Republicans in 2016.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One Interview-11 publications and media platforms

Columnists, editors & media figures​ representing ELEVEN publications and ​media outlets for this one for this one ONE  interview​ offer powerful reach​​. These outlets are big players in the new media: Hotair, National Review, Breitbart,  FORBES, CLASH DAILY, The Gateway Pundit-that links frequently to Drudge: Conservative Review, American Spectator
​ (linked DAILY on Matt Drudge)​ The Daily 
Reckoning and Bill Martinez Live​ nationally syndicated ​radio program and of course 
Entrepreneur Magazine Online

​ Magazine Online & 
Patrick Bet David´s
Glendale, California based 
​Valuetainment organization constitute 
a veritable juggernaut at 
​gaining exposure for guests. Patrick has interviewed 
Apple Computer Co-Founder Steve WozniakRobert Kiyosaki, 
Mark Cuban
 (see video below of this recent interview), 
F Lee Bailey, Stephen Greene and others. Being featured on Entrepreneur​ Magazine Online & ​Patrick Bet David´s ​Glendale, California based 
​Valuetainment multi-platform network 
can mean 
​connecting to
​huge numbers of 
Millenials & Generation X segment like never before and boosting your candidate 

these demographics 
via the new media-
Patrick is also a viral videographer and recently obtained  over 20,000,000 Facebook views for his extraordinary video "The Best Motivational Video" 

AC MILAN-Soccer School Peru University ID Clinic​-el 28, 29 y 30 de enero 

Lleva tu talento en el futbol para estudiar en una universidad de Los Estados Unidos!

El ‘Milan Collegiate ID Soccer Clinic’ es un programa en el que Tecnicos del futbol provenientes de diversas UNIVERSIDADES de Los Estados Unidos vendrán a Lima entrenando y "ID"ENTIFICANDO a jugadordes (varones) para brindar BECAS. Se realizara el "ID Camp" los dias 28, 29 y 30 de enero de 2016.

En este evento asistará "Coaches" de las universidades norteamericanas pertenecientes a la NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) y de NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) que buscarán jóvenes futbolistas entre las edades de 15 y 19 años que muestren aptitudes físicas y técnicas que permitan a ellos integrarse a sus equipos futbolistas respectivas. 

Algunas de las universidades que vendrán a Lima, este y el próximo año serán las de California State University-San Marcos; University of Illinois-Springfield, University of Montana-Billings, University of West Alabama; University of Northwest Ohio, Carrol College (Montana) Patrick Henry Community College (Virginia) y Georgia Gwinnett College, entre otras. Este evento está a cargo de la Escuela de Fútbol del AC Milan que viene trabajando en la formación de jóvenes deportistas en Perú.